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October 1997


Table Of Contents

Section Page
About This Report vii
The Canadian Voice Mail Market at a Glance ix
1.0 Executive Summary 1
2.0 Market Overview and Analysis 3
3.0 Analysis of Market Size and Trends 8
3.1 Revenues 9
3.2 Shipments and Installed Base 11
3.3 Distribution Channels 12
3.4 Product Evolution 13
3.5 The "Grey Market" 14
4.0 Voice Information Services (VIS) Market 16
4.1 Service Bureaus 16
4.1.1 TigerTel (Commstar Limited) 18
4.1.2 Voice-Tel Enterprises 21
4.2 Telcos 25
5.0 Manufacturers 30
5.1 Active Voice Corporation 31
5.2 Applied Voice Technology 36
5.3 Centigram Communications Corporation 41
5.4 ESNA Technologies Incorporated 47
5.5 Lucent Technologies Canada 51
5.6 Mitel Corporation 61
5.7 NEC Canada 66
5.8 Nitsuko Canada 70
5.9 Nortel (Northern Telecom) 74
5.9.1 Nortel Meridian 74
5.9.2 Nortel Norstar 78
5.10 Octel Communications Canada 85
5.11 Panasonic Canada 93
5.12 Toshiba of Canada 97
5.13 VOX Technology (Groupe Cerveau) 101
5.14 Other Manufacturing 105
6.0 Distributors 106
6.1 Callpro Canada Incorporated 107
6.2 Kayenell Enterprises Incorporated 110
6.3 WilTel Communications (Canada Inc.) 113

List Of Exhibits

Exhibit Page
Exhibit 1 Canadian Voice Mail Market: Revenue, System & Ports, 1993-1998 8
Exhibit 2 End-User Revenues and Market Share, 1993-1998 120
Exhibit 3 System Shipments and Market Share, 1993-1998 121
Exhibit 3b System Shipments and Market Share, 1993-1998
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 4 Port Shipments and Market Share, 1993-1998 123
Exhibit 4b Port Shipments and Market Share, 1993-1998
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 5 System Installed Base and Market Share, 1993-1998 125
Exhibit 6 Port Installed Base and Market Share, 1993-1998 126
Exhibit 7 Manufacturer Port Shipments, by Channel, 1996 127
Exhibit 8 Channel Port Shipments, by Manufacturer, 1996 128
Exhibit 9 Regional Port Shipments and Market Share, 1996
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 10 Port Shipments by Region, 1996
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 11 System Shipments by Size Segment, 1996 131
Exhibit 11b System Shipments by Size Segment, 1996
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 12 System Shipments in % by Size Segment and Market Share, 1996 133
Exhibit 12b System Shipments in % by Size Segment and Market Share, 1996
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 13 Port Shipments by Size Segment and Market Share, 1996 135
Exhibit 13b Port Shipments by Size Segment and Market Share, 1996
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 14 Port Shipments in % by Size Segment and Market Share, 1996 137
Exhibit 14b Port Shipments in % by Size Segment and Market Share, 1996
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 15 System Shipments by Phone Switch and Market Share, 1996, 139
Exhibit 16 System Shipments in % by Phone Switch and Market Share, 1996, Excluding VIS / CO-based systems 140
Exhibit 17 System Shipments in % by Manufacturer, by Phone Switch, 1996 
Excluding VIS / CO-based systems
Exhibit 18 Manufacturer / Distributor Matrix 142

About This Report

The Canadian Voice Mail/Voice Messaging Market Report, 1997 Edition is the fifth and most detailed in NBI’s series of reports on this market. The number of industry participants profiled has been increased and the depth of each profile has been substantially changed to reflect more of the business issues important to each company.

The report contains a discussion of market and technology trends, but most importantly the report captures the dynamic nature of the industry. The report is much more than a 1997 snapshot of a growth industry at a particular point in time. Rather, aspects of it reflect the many changes, amalgamations, mergers, corporate transformations, product announcements and development delays as they were occurring. Some of these changes are highlighted as they pertain to the shape and the ultimate nature of the business direction in which the companies are heading.

In total, there are qualitative and quantitative profiles of 17 different manufacturers and distributors. In addition, there are analyses of three organizations in the voice information services market sector. The 24 separate exhibits quantify the market and compare the various manufacturers along the dimensions which include: system and port shipments; end-user revenues; installed base; and segmentation by system size, region and distribution channel.

The information contained in the report is the product of extensive primary research. Principal sources include interviews with manufacturers, distributors and service providers.


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